Nickie Green Houg
NCC Director

Jennie Villa
NCC Asst. Director & Pre-K Teacher
Staffing Policies
Newberry Child Care is committed to providing Pre –K and Preschool children and their families with the highest level of professional teaching staff. We require that our employees exceed the industry standard requirements in education, experience, and ongoing professional development goals. The Newberry staff has been carefully chosen. Our Director, lead teachers, and classroom aides meet both the State Licensing Requirements and the Oregon Quality Rating and Improvement System requirements. The director is qualified by a Step 10 on the Oregon Registry and 60 or more hours of Program Management Training or has an Oregon Director’s Certificate.

Our staff fosters close relationships with our families and recognizes the importance of creating a bond between the people, who are important, in the lives of the children in our care. We all work together as a team to meet the educational, social, and emotional goals of the child. Family input and participation in our program is essential to the success of every child.
About General Info Parent Resources Call Us: 541 484 4011
Each of our staff members is dedicated to the profession of early childhood education and genuinely enjoys working with children.
Our staff participates in continuing education

We'd like to hear from you!
Looking to enroll your child in Newberry or have questions for our staff? Get in touch with us by calling, emailing, or filling out the contact form below
Enrollment Inquiries: 541-484-4011 ext. 215
Families of Current Students: 541-484-4011 ext. 260
Email: ncc@downtownac.com