Our Approach
We believe that preschool age children learn largely through play and social interaction. Daily, they will experience hands on activities, be encouraged to develop self-help skills, make choices and decisions, solve problems, ask questions, explore and be creative! The preschool experience should be a positive one giving children the opportunity to build positive self-esteem.

Parent Communication
Each class has a monthly schedule of planned activities posted on Brightwheel. A parent message via Brightwheel is sent regularly and provides information pertinent to the center and other activities that may be of interest to our families.

Our guidance technique is developmental. By giving choices, using positive directions and being consistent, we hope to deter most unacceptable behavior before it begins. Encouragement and praise for acceptable behavior is more effective than punishment for unacceptable behavior. At times when no other method is effective, a “cool off” period may be in order. This is used to help a child settle down and gain control of his/her body once again. During this time a teacher will help the child figure out their feelings and try to think of other ways to express those feelings. When an altercation between two children occurs, a teacher will help both children talk to each other to figure out a solution that works for both.
For more information, please download the Parent Handbook.

We'd like to hear from you!
Looking to enroll your child in Newberry or have questions for our staff? Get in touch with us by calling, emailing, or filling out the contact form below
Enrollment Inquiries: 541-484-4011 ext. 215
Families of Current Students: 541-484-4011 ext. 260
Email: bmontgomery@downtownac.com